Warner Bros. Pictures released a trailer for the rose-colored movie last December, where Barbie emerged as the ‘it’ doll for a new generation of young girls. This new teaser, however, transports us straight to Barbielan...
L.A.’s Stranger Things Experience is officially leaving town on April 16, but before it departs, you can visit Mix-Tape for free! And great news: You no longer need to grab a ticket to the experience to delight in the 8...
If you’re a fan of Stranger Things, you’ll love to hear this news: there’s a spin-off of the series coming in late 2023! And no, it’s not a show but a live action play, starring new characters an...
Experience Daft Punk’s iconic discography unlike you ever have before! Contact is a futuristic musical experience that transports you straight into the next generation of Daft Punk! It’s the first ever hybridizati...
We know you’ve wanted to be a part of your favorite movie or show (we sure have). And while nothing comes close to actually stepping into the screen, immersive experiences can make your dream a bit of a reality. L.A. h...
*The following includes spoilers from Stranger Things season 4* While Vecna frustrates most of us, particularly after his violent fight with our girl Max, we can’t help but feel empathy for him. As we discover in the la...
Looks like we’re not done “running up that hill” just yet… *The following contains spoilers for Stranger Things season 4, volume 2* If you’ve been bingeing season 4 of Stranger Things, you know it ends on sort…...
Looking for something to do on Valentine’s Day that’s out of the box? The Acey-Deucey tiki bar is cruising through its last days in L.A. and it’s the perfect date for Valentine’s Day. We’re taking you through an ideal V...
Netflix released the trailer for their newest comedy-horror film, “We Have a Ghost,” and it’s got us excited for the full thing. The synopsis? Shortly after moving in, a family catches a ghost — Ernest...
Los Angeles’ Stranger Things Experience won’t be around for long, but think of all the exciting things you can still experience at 1345 N Montebello Blvd before it leaves! The experience is a thrilling ride into t...