Nearly 100 businesses have been closed down due to health order violations.
From the end of August, Los Angeles County businesses that do not comply with the COVID-19 health and safety protocols will be fined between $100 and $500 for first offenses. Multiple offenses will lead to a 30-day permit suspension.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) announced the new tiered compliance and enforcement plan last week, but have not released an exact date. This follows the ongoing health inspections across the county which have resulted in the closure of 26 restaurants, 1 grocery store, 1 pool and 67 other businesses.
More than 24,000 restaurants, grocery stores, pools and other businesses suspected of violating health orders have been investigated since the lockdown went into place. Many of which were working towards compliance and were therefore allowed to remain open, according to the announcement.
“I’m pleased that we’re seeing great compliance in some areas and we want to continue to see that. But we need to plan for the long-term reopening of our economic sectors while ensuring the public health and safety of our residents and our workforce,” county health director Barbara Ferrer said in the statement. “We want to be reasonable and work with business owners, but we also know that time is of the essence to slow the spread of this virus and protect the health of workers, customers, and their families.”
The statement urges the whole community to follow the Health Officer’s Order, this includes face-covering avoiding the three C’s: Crowded places, Confined spaces and Close contact with others not in your household.
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