It’s no secret that rent is ridiculously high in Los Angeles, which means chances are, you live with someone in order to make ends meet. Hopefully, it’s someone you can live in harmony with. But unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Angelenos sent in their roommate horror stories and we chose the best ones. (That we could legally share.) Scroll through and thank your lucky stars that you aren’t the one who experienced them…
The Roommate that moved out but would regularly break in…
1. “My college dorm roommate was taken over by the spirit and spoke in tongues. It went on for maybe 30 minutes.”
2. “Before I moved in she told me she had 2 cats. She had 11.”
3. “Roommate came in screaming at me for stealing something she had lost… when she found her lost item she didn’t apologize, she just moved out, unprompted, I think out of embarrassment.”
4. “Long story short roommate moved out, taking a spare key that he wasn’t supposed to have. He sent my live location to his phone without me knowing and he would break in when I wasn’t there because he had my location, and he would rob me. Started with 3k in cash, then spare change then my clothes and underwear, shoes, gear etc. I ended up catching him because I left a phone recording which he threw from the 15th-floor window, but the phone survived, and it kept the proof of what he was doing. Showed it to his dad, he paid me for what his son stole.”
5. “Roommate busted into the apartment one day half naked and covered in paint… he gave no explanation.”
The Roommate that put hexes on you…
6. “A co-worker rented a room out to me in a 2 bedroom apt. I had only lived there a couple months when I came home one day and all the furniture was gone. He was gone and just left his 2 cats and goldfish looking at me.”
7. “My roommate lost her job and claimed it was because I had brought an evil spirit into the house. She told me the best way for me to get rid of this spirit was to allow her to do a ritual that involved me standing naked and having her roll a boiled egg all over my body.”
8. “I lived with Rob Lowe’s brother, Chad! That’s all!!!! #party”
9. “I married my roommate. Married is the crazy part.”
10. “Not mine by my daughter had several crazy LA roommates in college… one was fermenting 20 large jugs of cows milk – unpasteurized straight from the farm- as part of her thesis… Oh and she just reminded me- one would leave dead fish guts on the counter and left “witchcraft” items saying she was hexing my daughter.”
The roommate that keeps tabs on your location at all times and controls what you eat…
11. “Roommate Stole my iPod out of my room, then asked me to pick up her daughter from school a few weeks later with her car. My iPod jus chillin in the cup holder, so I took it. Later that night she asked me if i had seen an iPod that her friend let her borrow.”
12. “One of my college roommates would steal toilet paper out of my room. When asked about it, she poured wine all over my clothes and threw a roll of toilet paper at our other roommates head.”
13. “Not my roommate, but my friends roommate told her that I was evil and she saw the devil in my eyes.”
14. “Came home from a trip to find my ex boyfriend in his underwear. Turns out my roommate was seeing him behind my back. Did I mention that my ex was her boyfriend’s best friend? I moved out and never spoke to her again. I have heard that they have been happily married for over 20 years.”
15. “Shady lady that goes through all of my stuff, checks on my whereabouts, controls what I eat and what time I’m coming home… truly a pest… my mom is the best and worst roommate.”
The roommate who doesn’t know how to work a microwave…
16. “My then-roommate microwaved a burrito. Problem was, she followed the timing for the conventional oven instructions, so it was cooking for 40 minutes instead of 4… The kitchen and living room smelled like burnt beans for days.”
17.” My first roommate was the landlord and the drug lord of cocaine trafficking. I DID NOT participate in anything! I moved out a week before they raided the apartment.”
18. “My roommate would always steal my socks and deny it. Every week, I’d have to buy new pairs of socks. I finally got sick of it and confronted her. She didn’t know what I was talking about. It was actually our washer that would eat up my socks. I ended up finding a ball of it in the back of the machine……… So basically, I think I’m actually the worst roommate.”
19. “My roommate bought two female hamsters as pets since we weren’t allowed to have dogs or cats. I was okay with this… we somehow ended up with 10 baby hamsters. Turns out, one of the two hamsters was actually male. We ended up having 12 freaking hamsters.”