Astronomy lovers and moon gazers will be treated to two celestial events! An incredible full Hunter’s Moon eclipse is set to shine brightly and put on a show this Halloweekend.
On Saturday, October 28, 2023, a Full Hunters Moon will rise in Los Angeles at 6:01 p.m. PST.
According to The Farmer’s Almanac, the Hunter’s Moon nickname stems from the autumnal equinox and when Native Americans turned to October’s full Moon as a sign to prepare for the winter months ahead by hunting.
You can check out your local moonrise and moonset time by using the Time & Date calculator here.
Even if you miss its peak illumination, you will still be able to see it shine in all of its glory throughout the weekend.
When To Catch The Lunar Eclipse:
According to the Time & Date Calculator, you’ll be able to catch the lunar eclipse on Saturday, October 28, 2023. It begins on Saturday, Oct 28, 2023, at 5:40 p.m. and ends on Saturday, October 28, 2023, at 6:26 p.m. It’s said that Europe and Africa are the best places to watch the eclipse, and a partial eclipse can be seen from the U.S.
According to Date & Time, “This is the moment when the eclipse reaches its greatest magnitude while the entire Moon is above the horizon in California. The true maximum point of this eclipse cannot be seen in California because the Moon is below the horizon at that time. Since the Moon is near the horizon at this time, we recommend going to a high point or finding an unobstructed area with free sight to the East-northeast for the best view of the eclipse.”
So grab your loved ones and don’t forget to look up while you’re out this Halloween weekend. You can even catch a glimpse of it starting on Saturday and ultimately through Monday. You don’t need any special equipment to catch this beautiful celestial event. If weather permits it, your own eyes are just enough. Heck, you can even take advantage of this magical view and enjoy it on a rooftop with a cocktail in hand!