Michael Murphy’s unique, three-dimensional hanging creations have wowed people across the world, and now some of his greatest work can be seen at “Perceptual Shift”: The Art Exhibition. The exhibit has finally opened at Santa Monica Place (395 Santa Monica Pl. Suite 196). It’s only open through December 31st, so get your tickets fast and challenge your perceptions!
You know how people say the Mona Lisa’s eyes seem to follow you as you move around it? Well what if the Mona Lisa turned into a completely different piece of artwork based on where you were standing? That’s the type of art Michael Murphy creates, typically blending two or more images into a single sculpture.
Murphy will combine images to make powerful statements. For example, take one of his most notable works: “Gun Country.” The piece consists of hanging guns, and when viewed from one angle they make up a map of the United States. When viewed from another, they come together to form one massive handgun.
In a conversation with Danny Agnew of Inside Hook, Murphy said of his work: “I arrived at ‘perceptual art’ because the emphasis of my work is largely on the viewer’s perception. After many years of creating the artwork that I create, I started to realize that what I was trying to make wasn’t just an object or an image, but I was trying to create experiences that viewers would have. The experience that the viewer has is essentially the finished product.”
“Perceptual Shift”: The Art Exhibition opens on December 7th in Los Angeles at Santa Monica Place (395 Santa Monica Pl. Suite 196). Murphy has worked with big brands like Google, he’s been featured in the same shows as Banksy, and now his unique pieces are coming to LA. The exhibit closes at the end of December, so get your tickets below and get ready to doubt your own eyes!