Be sure to look up this coming week, stargazers! The night skies have a lot in store for us this year, including four captivating supermoons. Notably, one of these will be the upcoming blue moon this August.
What Is A Supermoon?
A supermoon occurs when the moon is at its closest proximity to Earth in its orbit, known as perigee. Perigee is the point in the moon’s elliptical orbit where it is nearest to Earth — making it appear larger and brighter than usual. Because the moon is closer to Earth during a supermoon, it can appear up to 14% larger and 30% brighter. This enhanced size and brightness make supermoons particularly striking and noticeable.
Upcoming Blue Full Moon:
The first supermoon of the four will take place on August 19, 2024 — and is known as a blue moon. Despite the name, a blue moon doesn’t actually appear blue; it simply refers to the second full moon within a single calendar month. Blue moons are relatively rare, happening approximately once every 2.5 years.
How To View August’s Supermoon:
You can find the exact time to view August’s supermoons in your time zone by checking out Almanac’s moon calendar and calculator here. So, grab your loved ones, set out some blankets, and prepare to enjoy the spectacular view of the supermoon this August. We also created a list of best spots to go stargazing around Los Angeles!