Renowned Chef Daisuke Nakazawa—who famously apprenticed for Jiro Ono and featured in the documentary ‘Jiro Dreams of Sushi’—established his first namesake restaurant in New York’s West Village with Bronx restaurateur Alessandro Borgognone. He later opened a second one in Washington D.C. and it has been impossible to get a reservation at either ever since. Thankfully, you’ll get to vie for a coveted seat on local shores as L.A. will soon be getting a permanent location at 145 North Robertson Boulevard, according to Eater L.A.
After being teased with a pop-up at the Peninsula Beverly Hills, Angelenos will only have to wait until next spring for the first West Coast Sushi Nakazawa outpost. In the meantime, you can still get your fix at the Peninsula until October 29. Reservations for two can be made through Resy.
In case you aren’t familiar with Chef Daisuke Nakazawa (and you aren’t able to fly over to the East Coast for dinner), there’s no doubt watching ‘Jiro Dreams of Sushi’ is the perfect introduction. It’s filled with mesmerizing shots of fresh fish being cut and rolled with serene precision. The gentle brushes of soya sauce seem so close to the lens that you can almost taste the saltiness. Apart from the sushi glamor shots, you’ll leave with a deeper appreciation for the craft and intense skills required to create white-truffle-topped Shinshu salmon pieces that melt in your mouth.
While details are yet to be released, if the current pop-up is anything to go by, you can expect a $325 (for two people) omakase with around 20 pieces of nigiri from globally sourced fish and shellfish with a focus on Japan. Of course, there will also be an immaculate sake list too.
For updates on Sushi Nakazawa L.A., you can keep an eye on this article or follow them on Instagram account.
Location: 145 N Robertson BlvdWest Hollywood, CA 90048, USA