The Moreton Bay Fig Tree is one of the largest of its kind in America!
Being over 140 years old, the Moreton Bay Fig Tree in Santa Barbara may just be the oldest living thing in these parts. It spans over 170 feet, has a trunk that measures over 41.5 feet in circumference and can create shade for some 16,000 people. So it’s easy to see why it’s believed to be the biggest tree of its kind (the native Australian species Ficus Macrophylla) in the country.
As the story goes, it was planted by a young girl who received the seeds as a gift from an Australian sailor in 1876 and planted it on 201 State Street. It was later relocated by a friend to the current location in 1877, where it has thrived to the point of becoming a State Historic Landmark in 1970. However, Santa Babara Parks only mentions that it was planted by Adeline Crabb a fig sapling from Australia in 1877.
Even full-grown adults are dwarfed by the mammoth roots that seem to stretch out across the lawn like tentacles. Of course, it has also become a canvas for lovebirds and besties to scribble their declarations of love on.
It has continued to reflect the seasons for more than a century and its gnarly branches never cease to capture the attention of photographers. You won’t be able to miss it if you’re on your way to the main into the main shopping district of the city. It sits right beside the Amtrak station and will probably do so for years to come.
Location: 01 W Montecito St, Santa Barbara, California, 93101
Featured Image: Shutterstock