On November 7, someone in Los Angeles County became the first billionaire lottery ticket winner in the state. The California Lottery announced that the only winning ticket was sold at Joe’s Service Center in Altadena—although, no one has come forward to claim it yet. Since the news broke, the country has been in a frenzy with a growing number of theories (and memes) about where the winner is and what that person will do.
While most would agree that the first thing to do after winning is change your name and phone number, we also wanted to know what most of you would spend the money on. So we posed the question to our audience, and here are some of the best answers to “What would you do with the $2 billion Powerball jackpot in L.A.”
1. “Finally afford a 1 bedroom guest house in LA”
2. “Treat everyone in LA to Sizzler!”
3. “Charity all the way. Our needs are not big so that’s a lot to go around”
4. “Buy a WHOLE tank of gas!!”
5. “Lawyer up ASAP”
6. “Nothing too flashy, but maybe go for the all-terrain tires!”
7. “Move out of LA”
While this is a very drastic option, you could always take a few days in an exclusive Futuro House in Joshua Tree to mull things over and ease the crushing pressure.
8. “Pay 2.5 months rent and have gas money for like 3 weeks”
Sounds about right.
9. “Park at Sofi stadium”
That should just about cover it.
10. “I would probably set up a foundation so the money would be fully gone over the next 50 years with half towards social innovation projects for low income people in LA and the other half on environmental technology grants, scholarships, and awards for students leading innovation and for low income students looking to pursue sustainability”
Fingers crossed that this person becomes the Powerball winner.
11. “PS5s for everyone so we can all play God of War: Ragnarok!!!”
We love the community spirit.
12. “Close down Hollywood Blvd throw a 7 day rave festival with everything free”
13. “Hire the best plastic surgeon and take on a new identity”
14. “Not tell the world. But low key help people in need”
15. “Start a music school for kids with developmental and mental disabilities”
16. “Rest mentally, physically and emotionally”
Cheers to that.