As of today, there are 662 confirmed coronavirus cases and 11 deaths in Los Angeles County.
As the days go by, confirmed COVID-19 cases increase in numbers. The state of California has been ordered to stay at home to stop the spread of the novel virus, and for the most part, city life is projected to remain “on pause” through April 19.
Earlier today, the County of Los Angeles released data breaking down all 662 coronavirus cases by neighborhood on its Facebook page. Various cities show higher averages than others with Hollywood, West Hollywood, Melrose, Brentwood, and Santa Monica racking in the most confirmed cases throughout the city.
L.A. County says locals should not assume that one location is safer than another. “Cases are occurring across LA County, so stay home as much as possible & practice social distancing when out for essentials.”
Public Health officials continue to urge residents to stay inside and practice social distancing protocols during including standing six feet away from others and remaining indoors if sick, even if you don’t believe that your illness resembles common coronavirus symptoms. People can still go to the grocery store, walk their dogs, ride bikes and visit the doctor.
Learn more about what you CAN and CANNOT do while the safer-at-home order is in place, here.