Don’t have a designated parking spot or street permit? Then you’re most likely apart of the “I can finish an entire podcast before finding a spot” club.
If we were given a dollar for each time it took us over 15 minutes to find somewhere to park that was remotely close to our front door… we’d probably have enough money to afford a place with its own parking spot! Parking has gotten so bad in neighborhoods like Echo Park and Angelino Heights, residents are starting to creatively take matters into their own hands.
To make matters worse, Dodgers Stadium is less than a mile away from these surrounding areas leading baseball fans to park here “for free” during the season. A local named Dean Decent spotted the first wave of resident-made signs which seem to showcase some good ‘ol fashion Dodger pride!
A few months back, signs were popping up around the residential ‘hoods reading, “Yo! Please maximize parking. Park 2-3 feet from other vehicles. Park close to the end of curbs.” Derek Boonstra, a 13-year resident, said that he and his wife had signs made because they were annoyed by people who would park in a way that would waste space in a neighborhood that is already limited on parking availability.
So come on people, MAXIMIZE PARKING… please.