Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti advises the city to wear a mask when out in public.
As the number of confirmed coronavirus patients skyrocket across the nation, adjustments to life as we know it are constantly being made. Though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention argued that healthy people don’t need face masks while out in public in recent weeks, the CDC is revisiting its policy in the chance that it needs to be modified to fit current conditions.
In a news briefing held on Wednesday afternoon, Mayor Garcetti addressed that he had been waiting on advice from the CDC, but due to the circumstances, he recommends that Angelenos should wear a nonmedical face covering while performing essential tasks. Garcetti goes on to say that this is not an excuse to go out, but instead to better protect themselves, as well as others, while grocery shopping or making a trip to the pharmacy.
Since non-medical masks feel like a rare collectible these days, anything that can cover your nose and mouth will suffice for the time being; for example, bandanas, fabric masks, and neck gaiters are seen as a temporary effort in preventing droplets that carry the virus from escaping and/or infecting yourself as well as others. It’s important to note residents should refrain from purchasing any medical-grade masks so hospitals running low on supplies can easily attain them for staff.