Witness six seasons of TV’s most beloved sci-fi drama packed into a night of hilarious musical absurdity!
It’s been quite some time since the epic crash of Oceanic Airlines’ Flight 815, but Los Angeles is about to regain all the feels we thought were long behind us. From the producers of Shame of Thrones: The Musical, Lost: The Musical puts an outrageous spin on a show that riveted, shocked and entertained us for nearly a decade. Ditch hours of sitting in front of the screen and instead head over to LA’s outrageous tribute to one of the greatest TV series ever!
Exactly 121 episodes are being boiled down into 50 characters, played by 14 actors over the course of 2 hours – just in time for the 15th anniversary of the original show’s premiere! See Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, and the rest of the crew sing and dance like never before… literally!
Beginning on July 15 and running through September 23, you can catch the tragic-tale-turned-laugh-out-loud-play every Monday in Sherman Oaks. And who knows, if you’re quick to buy your tickets you may even get to choose seat 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, or 42…