It’ll make for a nice breath of fresh air.
A lot of the city’s activities remain “off-limits” amid the coronavirus outbreak. Thankfully, there are a number of things that we can still do that don’t go against social distancing guidelines. Take a break from the screen and relish a moment outside as you catch Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn shine bright in the night sky through the entire month of March!
Now that the rain has cleared up and the clouds have begun to disappear, stargazers and bored Angelenos alike can make their way outside to catch a glimpse of the three visible planets hanging out in the morning sky.
Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter will be most visible during the hours before sunrise in the east-southeastern direction of the sky; if you’re having trouble finding where that is, just look for the moon — it won ‘t be too far. And since we’re halfway through the month, expect the planets to appear very close to one another. In the following days, we’ll begin to see Mars make its way from underneath Jupiter to just below Saturn.
At the end of the month, be on the lookout for a pleasant surprise in the night sky. You’ll be able to spot Venus, our crescent moon, and the Pleiades star cluster just after sunset! The Pleiades are located over 400 light-years away and are bright and easy to see even in urban areas!
Have a look at this brief video covering skywatching tips by NASA, below!
Featured photo: ShutterStock