It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood!
In case you missed the MAJOR news: TOM HANKS IS PLAYING MISTER ROGERS IN A BIOPIC SET TO RELEASE IN NOVEMBER! If you were born after the 90s… sorry sweetheart, this movie is not for you. (Unless you’re one of those kids who’s cool parents introduced you to the neighborhood.)
The trailer for A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood dropped earlier this morning and if it doesn’t inspire you to contribute to living in a world of kindness – then what will, tbh?
The story follows journalist Tom Junod and his changing perspective on life after spending time with Fred Rogers himself while writing a magazine profile on the man behind the beloved show. And we don’t know about you, but the casting for Mister Rodgers is sooo perfect, it kind of makes you tear up a little.
This is 100% pure and I am here for it. Take my money
— Medina Zerishnek (@MrsMMZ_2018) July 22, 2019
Welp – they might as well give Hanks the Oscar now because… HOW COULD YOU NOT? We’ll have to wait for this masterpiece until Thanksgiving, unfortunately, but until then, why not binge on old Mister Rodgers’ Neighborhood episodes on YouTube?