All anxiousness aside, we all deserve a good laugh!
If there’s one shared experience amongst people across the globe right now, it’s that at some point or another, the novel outbreak and its repercussions have gotten the best of us. And what better way to relieve life’s added stress, than with a handful of relatable cartoons?
Though all that’s going on in the world is no joking matter, these talented cartoonists have managed to illustrate times as we know it in such a way you can’t help but to let out a good belly laugh. Take a break from the outside world for just a moment and enjoy these 15 cartoons that perfectly illustrate life during the coronavirus pandemic.
Switching up your look for all your plants to enjoy.
Dating in 2020.
When someone asks you what your weekend plans are.
What your ‘quarantine diet’ consists of.
There are six types of people in this world.
‘I’m fine. Everything’s fine…’
What getting ‘ready’ for meetings intales nowadays.
Letting your S.O.’s coworkers see you in a whole new light.
At home date-nights.
Realizing that not all heroes wear capes.
Updating your playlists.
Explaining to your parents that working from home means that you have to work from home.
Daily affirmations.
The chronicles of social distancing while grocery shopping.
Adapting a new skincare routine.