FYI: It’s the law to have chains on your tires when visiting the mountains during chain control! ❄️
Recent rainstorms have brought cold temperatures our way and seeing how foreign cold weather is to Angelenos, it’s only natural to want to drive to the mountains to play in the snow. Unfortunately, a shortfall of experience in the snow comes hand-in-hand with a lack of knowledge in preparation for it. Hundreds of people were stuck on Mount Baldy overnight after severe weather changed visitor’s plans.
Driving without chained tires caused cars to slide on the icy, snow-covered roads and bang into each other causing a handful of collisions. Joe Cojean, an employee at a hotel nearby, said that hundreds of people became stranded, cold, and were concerned with trying to find a place to stay for the evening or how to keep warm.
There are hundreds of people parked and stuck on the switchbacks of #mtbaldy road. Please be aware road is blocked in both directions @ABC7
— Shannon (@mtbaldymom) February 11, 2019
CHP officers helped as many drivers as they could get down the mountain safely, and as of Monday morning, around 50 stranded cars were still parked along the road. As for everyone else, Snowcrest Lounge offered empty rental cabins to people and their children, working hard to deliver food and water since pipes froze over.
Apparently, this sort of thing tends to happen often after a big storm hits. People get so excited to play in the snow, that they rush to the mountains without following precautions, like chaining tires. Not only is it the law to have chains during “chain control”, it’s also forbidden to block a lane to play on the snow outside of designated areas.
Stay safe, and warm out there L.A.!