We remember 90-degree Fall weather like it was yesterday – wait… It feels like our feed was just filled with feels like summer in November photos, only to find out by the National Weather Service that temper...
Snow Day LA is providing that winter magic Angelenos crave in SoCal for its fourth year! Don’t have the time or energy to drive hours to the mountains just to experience the snow this time around? The folks over a...
Okay, what’s up with this weather? This week Los Angeles experienced its first snow day in years, and now the National Weather Service is telling us that we’re not going to need the winter coats we just boug...
FYI: It’s the law to have chains on your tires when visiting the mountains during chain control! ❄️ Recent rainstorms have brought cold temperatures our way and seeing how foreign cold weather is to Angelenos, it&...
It’s looking like the storm that lasted for six days straight has finally passed! According to the National Weather Service, the rainstorm is transitioning into scattered showers throughout the evening meaning Ang...