In 2006, Tim Burton joined LA Times journalist Scott Timberg on a journey through the places around LA that comprised the filmmaker’s childhood. Distorted images of suburbia, finding beauty in the macabre, and feeling...
Producers Kristen Bell and Alan Cumming have brought back the beloved cult classic Reefer Madness: The Musical and the reviews are in! Theater Mania said it was “a stellar cast – delivering an intoxicating&h...
Los Angeles is a unique place for architecture, with Spanish Mission Revival, Craftsman, Art Deco, and even Victorian architectural elements defining the city’s structures. But one thing that Wally and Amanda Koval—the...
The biggest action sports competition is back! X Games Ventura 2024 is being held through June 30 at the Ventura County Fairgrounds and Event Center. Get your tickets today for what is sure to be…...
Sip on magical cocktails and join a cast of world-class acrobats as they put on a classic cirque-style show with AirOtic Soirée. The burlesque circus opens in Los Angeles on August 9 at Heart WeHo (8911…...
Reefer Madness: The Musical is a gripping tale of love, violence, and everyone’s favorite herb. The beloved satire of 1930s “drug panic” has returned to Los Angeles and we got a chance to see…...
The Minions say “Bello!” to BTS Army with a first-of-its-kind collaboration between the renowned 21st century pop icons and everyone’s favorite banana-lovers! To celebrate the upcoming Despicable Me 4 film, the ex...
🦇The Batette Follies of 1939 is in its final weeks and all tickets are $50! Get yours here.🦇 The Batette Follies of 1939 is now playing at the Montalban Theatre, blending beloved characters with the art…...
For years, sports history has been made at X Games Athletes from all over the world flock to X Games each year to push the boundaries of their respective sports. This year will be no different, and the best way to celeb...
Do you ever wish you could go back to Las Vegas in the 70s and 80s, when the glitz and glam was at its peak? Now you can with Mavericks, the variety show coming…...